Super Sunday August 11

Carlos Schmidt, Church Planting, Louisiana Baptist Convention

Sunday, August 11, 5:00pm
Fellowship to Follow


Come hear of opportunities to assist Westside Baptist Church in Brownsville, Texas, as they receive 100 asylum seekers per day seeking entry into the United States. Each asylum seeker is being housed at the church for a few hours, fed, given a shower, and a change of clothes. Each asylum seeker is hearing the gospel and is assisted in transportation to sponsors or family members in the United States. (These people are seeking legal asylum in the United States)

How can we help?


Generate Mission Camp 2019

Our Summer Mission Camp will be July 14th-19th, 2019.  We will be on mission in Lookout Mountain, Georgia  Our students will be to serve and worship from the beautiful campus of Covenant College.

Cost for camp is approximately $330 per student, and this includes travel, lodging, a t-shirt, and a great experience to touch the life of others.  We will leave on Sunday at 2pm (be at the church for 1:30pm), and we will return on Friday at around 11pm-12am.  Make sure you review the camp letter, Packing List, Schedule and FAQs.  The Waiver and Release form (mandatory) for everyone going to camp, including adults. If you have any questions, please contact Derrick.

The theme is Redefined: Isaiah 42:9

“Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.” – Isaiah 42:9

Human beings are nothing if not creatures of habit. We are drawn to routine. We expect the expected and when it doesn’t happen we get frustrated and confused.

Have you ever noticed the result of something completely disrupting our expectations? When something so out of the ordinary happens that it shatters the status quo? It’s absolute chaos. We don’t know how to respond. But when the disrupter is God, it can be a beautiful chaos.

God is the great redefiner. At the heart of what it means to know and experience God is the process of redefinition. God defines what it means to be new. God spoke a new creation into existence out of nothing, redefining our existence. Through the person and work of Christ, God made complete renewal possible for all who would come to faith in Him, redefining our reality. In the salvation offered by God, we discover a new identity, redefining who we are. And in discovering who God meant for us to always be, our purpose is redefined.



  • YMCA Chattanooga (Chattanooga, Tn) (website)
  • At the Y, strengthening community is the cause. Everyday, they work side-by-side with their neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income, or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.
  • Our SERVE week will include investing in the lives of children in the area through the local YMCA

For questions or comments, please text or email Derrick.  337-356-6334/

Generate Camp is put on by YM360, the experts in youth ministry events and curriculum.  Our students have attended these camps for the last 5 years and absolutely love them.  From top-notch worship and speakers, to fun games and hands-on mission opportunities, students’ lives are moved closer to Christ, through this one-week experience.

A Place Called Heaven

A Place Called Heaven


Kurt and Tina Goebel started a new study on Sunday, June 2.  All are invited to join the class for this 6 week study: A Place Called Heaven by Robert Jeffers.  Books are $6.50.


If any of us learned we were going to move to a foreign country, we’d do everything we could to learn about that place so that we’d be prepared when moving day arrived.  As Christians, we know someday we will leave our familiar country and be united with God in heaven.  And yet many of us know very little about this place called heaven.  In this Bible study, explore several surprising truths about heaven and reveal whom we see there and what we will do.  This study will give believers a clearer picture of the divine place Jesus has prepared for us.  And it will encourage us to make heaven a greater priority in our hearts and minds so that we are better prepared for it.





Senior Adult Luncheons

The next BYAH Luncheon will be on Tuesday, September 17.  We will start gathering about 10:30 and lunch will be served at 11:00.  Brian will be making BBQ chicken.  Please bring a side dish or dessert to complement the meal.

The speaker will be from the I-10 Park Tourism Office Gator Chateau.

Mark your calendar and come enjoy good food and good fellowship!



Vacation Bible School 2019


Throw on your camera strap and buckle your seatbelt. VBS 2019 takes you on a wild adventure—with elephants and egrets, polar bears and penguins, cockatoos and crocodiles. As you seek out exotic animals, you’ll also find snapshots of real-life encounters with Jesus in Scripture. Kids go from bewildered to believing as they get In The Wild at this summer’s VBS. June 17th – 21st!

It’s time to zoom in and focus on Jesus as the Messiah. Join us this summer as we go in the wild.



Ages (just completed):
Pre-K 4-Kindergarten: 8:30-11:30
1st grade-6th grade: 8:30-2:00

All activities free of charge. Transportation is available if needed.
Pre-Registration Pool Party  June 13th 6-8pm at Jennings City Pool.

VBS Motto: Zoom In! Focus on Jesus!
Bible Verse: “But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:31

Registration is now closed! But don’t worry, you can signup any time in person.




The Spring Bible Conference at Dry Creek was cancelled .


The next BYAH Luncheon will be on Tuesday, April 16th.  The group will start gathering at 10:30am and lunch will be served at 11:00am.  Meat will be provided.

Please bring a side dish or dessert to complement the meal.  Children from Mother’s Day Out will present the program.

Be sure and mark your calendar!