
 First Baptist Church Revival

               April 5th, 6th, & 7th

 Speaker – Jacob Crawford             

Worship Leader – Kevin Williams



Friday April 5th
6:00pm Worship
Saturday April 6th
4:30-6:00pm Children and Family Fellowship FLC



Youth Late Night FLC



Sunday April 7th


Sunday School




Old Fashioned Gospel Time


Covered Dish Supper



D-Now 2019

D-Now is a weekend of hearing and studying God’s Word, worship, service and fellowship.  D-Now is quickly approaching and youth groups from across our community are joining in and preparing for a great weekend.  Our theme is Exchange: Gaining through giving up.  We will highlight the great exchanges that must be made in order to follow after Christ; which will lead to the greatest exchange of all: death for life.

This year, D-Now will be March 29th-31st.  The cost is $30 which includes food, t-shirt and books.  We will be joining in with other churches to build a community of fellowship and unity.

More details and FAQs are below.  Click here to register or sign up with Derrick.

More Details

Theme: Exchange: Gaining through Giving Up
Dates: March 29th – 31st
Speaker: Joe Wood, UL BCM Director
Worship: Cameron Williams
Cost: $30/student
Who: Students 7th-12th grade
Where: First Baptist Church Jennings
What to bring:

  • 2 changes of clothes (one pair to work in)
  • Bible
  • personal hygiene items
  • Towel/Washrag
  • Sleeping Bag/Pillow
  • Cell phones are allowed as long as they are not a distraction to worship and Bible study times

Frequently Asked Questions

What is D-Now?

D-Now stands for Disciple Now.  It’s a weekend where students are challenged to either begin a growing relationship with God or take the next step in their faith with God.  The goal is to challenge students to grow, and example what a healthy disciple’s life looks.  The weekend entails large groups teaching and worship, small group time with Bible teaching, accountability and prayer, service projects, and plenty of time to meet and hang out with friends.

What is the theme Exchange about?

The theme Exchange is based from Ephesian 2:4-5 “Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.” In every exchange, something must be given up in order for something to be gained.  At the heart of the Gospel, there is a single, powerful exchange that occurred when a flawless savior took the flaws of humanity to the cross, exchanging His life for ours.

But this one exchange actually empowers countless exchanges in the lives of those who will believe and follow. Death for Life. Self for Christ. Hate for Love. Comfort for Calling.

What does the cost cover?

The cost is $30 per student.  That covers the t-shirt, food, and book that each student will receive.  It also covers the cost of supplies and equipment that will be used for the weekend.

Are there scholarships available?

Scholarships are available, but must be requested in person prior to the weekend.  If you would like to give a scholarship or make a donation, please contact Derrick Laughlin or visit our Give page.

Where do students stay?

Students will be staying at host homes.  Host homes are homes of current, active church members who have agreed to host the students.  Each group is gender-based, (guys with guys and girls with girls), and their group leader will be present with them.  Host homes are only used for sleeping and showering. All other activities will take place at the church.

I want to help.  How can I sign up?

We also love to have extra help.  You can head over to the registration page, and sign-up as a volunteer.  You can choose the area you would like to serve, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Mission Banquet

Mission Banquet

The Annual Mission Banquet will be held on Sunday, December 2nd following the morning worship service.

Meat and refreshments will be provided.  Bring a dish to complement the meal such as a salad, vegetable or dessert.

Mark your calendar, bring the family, come and enjoy this time of good food and fellowship!


Pumpkin Patch

          OCTOBER 27

Saturday will be Family Day.   In addition to all the activities, food will be available to purchase.


         Pumpkin Patch Leadership Team

Leader          Nonie Sonnier

Food              Louise Lavergne

Storytime      Phyllis Armstrong

Decorating    Amber Meyers

Games           Vickie Sandiferd

Please let us know what team you would like to help!