First Place | New Session

Orientation for the next First Place session will be held May 13th at 6pm.  Come and be introduced to the Christ-centered weight loss and healthy living program!
The cost for new members is $90 which pays for the member’s kit and Bible study.  This session’s Bible study will be ‘A Better Way’.  Our world is full of contradictions.  We have amazing technology that can make our lives easier, yet we are more stressed and busier than previous generations.  We live in a country with great wealth and resources, yet poverty and homelessness are constant.  Outer beauty is valued more than inner beauty.  And even though we know more about healthy living and have more resources to make healthy choices than ever before, overweight and obesity rates continue to rise.  There is A BETTER WAY and that way is JESUS.

Returning members’ cost is $20.

Call the church office at 337-824-3271 for more information.

Senior Adult Upcoming Events

Tuesday, March 19th | Luncheon
Guest Speaker Todd Burnaman, Director at Dry Creek Baptist Camp (Todd will give a report about the number of decisions made last year and the new buildings at the camp)

Tuesday, April 16th | Luncheon
Guest Speaker: Darrell Hieronymus, pastor at Roanoke Baptist Church

Tuesday, May 21st | Luncheon 
Guest Speaker: Tabitha Dugas Director of the Pregnancy Crisis Center (Tabitha will share plans about how the new Mobile Pregnancy Unit will be used in Jennings)

Friday, June 21st | Annual Fish Fry
Concert by the Crochet Family

Worship Leader (Part-Time)

Principal Job Function

To serve the membership of First Baptist Church by providing leadership in the primary tasks of the church which are worship, witness, education, ministry, and discipleship.  This will be done through music, under supervision of the pastor.


  • A Christian whose life reflects the presence and leadership of Christ in all aspects of his/her life.
  • Experience in the ministry of church music at volunteer and/or vocational levels.
  • Be able to read music and present it to the musicians in a format they can follow.
  • Must have a working knowledge of technology as it relates to music production


  • Present a blended style music service, i.e., average of two hymns during corporate worship.
  • Coordinate with the pastor in planning, conducting, and evaluating congregational services as requested.
  • Direct the work of the musicians and media team, planning with them ahead of time for the music, visuals and order of Sunday worship service.
  • Be available to plan music for funerals of church members as needed.
  • Plan, organize, promote and present special musical programs (e.g., Christmas and Easter).
  • Strive to utilize members of the congregation in the music program.
  • Work with the Ministerial staff and Praise Team in establishing goals for growth and lead the church to accomplish these goals.
  • Seek to personally share his/her faith in Christ with lost individuals.
  • Prepare an annual music program budget request for the finance committee and administer the approved budget.

If interested, please contact the Music Search Committee at

Saturate USA

Saturate USA is a God-sized vision to take the love of the Gospel to 120 million households by the end of 2027. The hope is to spark true repentance and revival in our beloved country. Please share this vision with your friends and colleagues so that they can join this exciting movement.

Our country needs to rediscover the message of the Gospel and we need to cry out in prayer for revival to sweep the land. United in love, and with God on our side, we can win America back to Christ.

If you would like to help distribute, please contact the church office.


First Baptist Jennings would like to offer a free devotional resource to our members and the local Jennings community. This great tool is called DevoHub. (instructions below)

There are 7 amazing monthly devotional magazines now available through this app. “Journey” written for women, “Stand Firm” written for men, “Open Windows” written to help you read the bible through in one year, “Renew Daily” daily devotionals, “Quietud” devotionals written in Spanish, “Essential Connections” written for teenagers and “Family Journey” for families.

How to get this free devotional resource.

  • Step 1 – Come to our church property and just park in the parking lot. Make sure your “location” service is turned on.
  • Step 2 – Go to your app store, Apple Store, Google Play and or Amazon Apps, search for Devo Hub.
  • Step 3 – Download free app.
  • Step 4 – Click activate

The result is a free devotional that you can now take with you anywhere you go. You can have an encouraging word from God with you at all times.

Right Now Media

To our First Baptist church family and All who are looking for positive media content while you are at home, We invites you to be our guest and use a Christian version of Netflix called

You can click on this link provided and go straight to their site. Create your own personal login and then enjoy the resources for your kids both preschoolers and children, teens, young adults and older adults, Bible studies, programs, music videos and much more.

We hope you find a blessing here that will enrich and encourage your family. We have used this resource for years here at First Baptist Jennings. We are continuing to pray for you. Ephesians 1:16

Church Center App


Church Center is a one-stop app for you to stay connected with everything happening at fbcJennings! With it you can…

  • join, manage, and learn about CONNECT GROUPS
  • register for EVENTS
  • update your PROFILE so we have your most up-to-date contact info.
  • GIVE and see your giving history at FBC

It’s the one app you need to know what’s going on at fbcJennings! Download now for free on Andriod or iOS.

NO SMARTPHONE? No problem! CLICK HERE to access Church Center on the web.

Pastor Rammon

Dear Church Family:

It was might great honor and privilege to visit pastor Rammon (pronounced like Ramen Noodles) while visiting India recently.  Pastor Rammon and his family are wonderful Christians who are serving the Lord on top of Yercaud Mountain.  Yercaud Mountain is a land mark for people who travel in India.  The Mountain is beautiful and the climate is always temperate.  There are many hotels and spas on top of the mountain, and people come from miles around to drive the 17 hairpin turns to the top of the mountain.  Along the route, monkeys greet you and will steal you camera if you stop and take a picture.  The mountain is filled with coffee farms, and many villages are tucked into the mountains, centered around the coffee business.  It is an idyllic scene.


However, Christianity is not very popular on Yercaud Mountain.  Pastor Rammon believes that God has given him a vision to reach 66 villages with the gospel.  These villages have a total population of 1.5 million people.  And the “wee little man” rides his motorcycle to these villages with the hopes of planting churches all over the mountain.  In one village, a family has been reached for Jesus.  Pastor Rammon holds weekly services in the man’s home.  The village leaders told the whole village not to speak this man’s family.  The man told me, “Jesus is enough for me” , (and then he laughed)


Please pray for Pastor Rammon and his family.  We will be getting emails from pastor Rammon and these will be published here.



Dr. j