Hurricane Harvey – Update #2

Church services will be canceled on Sunday Evening Aug. 27th, 2017.

FBC School will be closed on Monday, Aug. 28th.  Please continue to follow the Jeff Davis Parish Public School System alerts.

If you or anyone you know needs assistance in any way, please call our church office or reach out to a member of our staff.


Update #1 – Aug. 25th, 2017

Our staff is closely watching the developments of Hurricane Harvey.  Please join us as we pray for those who will be effected.  Please also check in on those in our church and community that you know, and let’s serve one another in preparation for excessive rain and flooding over the next several days.

If you know of any one with needs, please get that information to our church by calling the office (337-824-3271), emailing ( or texting to 337-356-6334.

We will also update any changes in our planned services, activities and events.

Stay tuned for more information.

Links and Resources

KPLC 7 Hurricane Center Hurricane FAQ
River Stages National Weather Service – Lake Charles
KATC3 Hurricane Center National Hurricane Center
Jeff Davis Sheriff’s Office Facebook National Hurricane Center – Facebook

Hurricane Harvey

Our staff is closely watching the developments of Hurricane Harvey.  Please join us as we pray for those who will be effected.  Please also check in on those in our church and community that you know, and let’s serve one another in preparation for excessive rain and flooding over the next several days.

If you know of any one with needs, please get that information to our church by calling the office (337-824-3271), emailing ( or texting to 337-356-6334.

We will also update any changes in our planned services, activities and events.

Stay tuned for more information.

Links and Resources

KPLC 7 Hurricane Center Hurricane FAQ
River Stages National Weather Service – Lake Charles
KATC3 Hurricane Center National Hurricane Center
Jeff Davis Sheriff’s Office Facebook National Hurricane Center – Facebook

See You At The Pole

For the over 25 years, See You at the Pole has been about one simple act—prayer. SYATP is still about students uniting themselves in prayer before God interceding for their generation.

There are two opportunities to unite in prayer with your friends:

  • DAY: SEE YOU AT THE POLE day is on Wednesday, September 27, at 7:00 a.m. local time. All around the globe, in every time zone, students will be gathering at their flagpoles, praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities. SEE YOU AT THE POLE is a day committed to global unity in Christ and prayer for your generation.
  • WEEK: The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER (Sunday, September 24 through Saturday, September 30) encourages students to find new and unique ways, places, and times to pray throughout the week. Whether you attend PUBLIC SCHOOL, PRIVATE SCHOOL, or HOME SCHOOL, gather your friends wherever and whenever and pray! The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER is dedicated to prayer and launching your on-campus Bible clubs, prayer strategies, and student ministries.

For more information or to purchase SYATP merchandise, visit



Kids – We hope you can join us for our first FBC kids D-NOW weekend! We will have music, games, small group Bible Study, food, local mission projects, and lots of fun! It’s for those who have just completed 1st-6th grade.

Arrival will be Friday from 5:00-5:30 and dismissal is Saturday from 7:45-8:00.

Registration Forms are due by August 1st. They can be turned in to the church office or to Eric or Cindy Sonnier.


D NOW 2017 Registration Form



Transform – Women’s Ministry Conference

As children of God, we are called to not conform to the ways of this world, but to rise above, and be transformed through spiritual growth, accountability, and discipleship.  Each one of us has a special plan from God, one that is way better than you can even think.  As we become transformed into a godly women, our lives are evident of Christ to those around us.

Join us September 22 -23 for a women’s conference at First Baptist Church Jennings as we focus on transforming into the women God has called us to become.

The theme of this conference is “Transform: The Desires of Your Heart” drawing from Psalm 20:4 and Romans 12:2. The conference will be focused on transforming the lives of women in our community through the study and love of the word of God and aligning their lives with the God’s will. Throughout the conference we will meet for large group teachings, small group teaching, and discussion of specific issues we face. Worship through music and fellowship will also be a large part of our two day conference. Our prayer is that strong relationships will be sparked and those in attendance will be uplifted and encouraged find healing.  

The cost to attend is $25.  If you register before August 21st, there will be an early registration bonus of $5.  If you register after September 15th, there will be a $5 late registration fee. The cost includes snacks, continental breakfast, lunch, a conference gift bag, and entry for door prizes.In order to take advantage of our bonus, and to have the best chance at attending the break away session you desire, REGISTER today.

Worship Leader
Kelly Feehan
“Worshiping my Savior is my lifelong pursuit”

After knowing God was calling her to take her talent and use it for His glory, Kelly, along with her husband Steven, attended Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney, Australia where she studied Worship & Creative Arts. Upon returning home in 2003, she partnered with Jeff and Jo Cook and served as worship pastor of Church WithOutWalls for five years.

Four kids later, Kelly is back pursuing her passion for the Lord as one of the worship leaders at The Bayou Church in Lafayette. In addition to worship leading, she homeschools her children and serves as Director for her homeschool campus, Classical Conversations.

Keynote Speaker
Sharon Richardson

Sharon Richardson loves Jesus! She is a Bible and history middle school teacher, as well as an adult Bible teacher at First Baptist Church, Lafayette, Louisiana. Sharon has been known to stand on her desk or kiss an alligator in order to grab the attention of her students! Her teaching is seasoned with love and laughter that reflects her passion for Jesus. Sharon loves connecting with folks from all walks of life and ministers to them with compassion and solid biblical teaching. As she shares her faith through Scripture and vivid story-telling, she encourages listeners of all ages that even though life’s not always easy – “in fact, some days are downright awful!” – with God, “it’s all good!”

Growing up in the preacher’s house, Sharon was raised all over the Mississippi Delta, as well as in Louisiana. She loves all things family and southern! She and her husband make their home in Lafayette. She has two adult children, one amazing grandson (just ask her!), and Grandson #2 on the way!

Do you need to take off that coat of stress and struggle? Need to wash off the ways of this world? Sharon is all about pouring that cup of joy into your life and refreshing a weary spirit with hope. “This IS the day the LORD has made… REJOICE!”

To register, click here.

September 22, 6pm-9pm
September 23, 8am-3pm

Limited child care will be provided for an additional cost of $15/child.

More details will be posted here later.  Check back soon!

Also follow us on Facebook @ fbc jennings women’s ministry for more information.


Be The Church

This summer, our staff has challenged the church to break the mold.  Instead of coming to church, it’s time to “Be the Church”.  All summer long, each member of the staff is delivering a different approach to meeting together as believers.  As we follow the first church from the book of Acts, we are practicing different aspects of what the earliest believers did.  Our key focus is to remain as true to Scripture as possible, while continuing to shine the light of Jesus Christ to our community.

42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers. 43 Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. 44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.[a] 46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them[b] those who were being saved.

The summertime schedule for Sunday evenings is as follows:

June 18: Prayer Walk – Eric Sonnier
June 25: Worship Band/Discipleship – Derrick Laughlin
July 2: Backyard BBQ/Waterslide – Brian Wells
July 9/16: Off (Bounce Team here)
July 23: Game Night Fellowship – Cassandra Garbarino
July 30: Worship in the Park (I-10 Park) – Sean Bean
August 6: Ice Cream Social – Jeff Cook