Christmas Eve Schedule

Christmas Eve…No Sunday School.  Worship Service will be at 10:30am and will include the Lord’s Supper. A Benevolence offering will be taken at the close of the service.


The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be at 6pm. A Benevolence offering will be taken at the close of the service.


Pumpkins and Prayer

We will have pumpkin painting and prayer at Krystle Bailey’s home on Friday October 27th at 6pm. Bring Your Own Pumpkins! Apple Cider, Fall snacks, and paint provided. We will be praying particularly for Shelly LaBlanc and Kristen LaBauve, and any other cancer fighters. Join us for an enjoyable night of fellowship and Fun! Call Cassandra for directions to Ms. Krystle’s.



Minister Appreciation

On October 22, we will celebrate Minister Appreciation Day! We will honor them as a church and provide baskets in the foyer for individual notes and gifts!  We can honor our ministerial staff  DAILY by remembering to do these things:


Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith… Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account, so that they can do this with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. Pray for us; for we are convinced that we have a clear conscience, wanting to conduct ourselves honorably in everything.   (Hebrews 13:7,17-18)

  1. Pray for them.
  2. Imitate their faith.
  3. Follow their lead.



The next BYAH Luncheon will be on Tuesday, December 12th at 11:00am in the Family Life Center Dining Room.  Be sure and mark your

calendar and come enjoy the food, fellowship and program.

Meat will be provided so please bring a side dish or dessert.

We will also have a white elephant gift exchange (please no more than $10).   Hope to see you there !!



Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is back again this year.  The Christmas Child Shoe boxes are available here at the church in the foyers and church office.

This year they ask that no toothpaste or candy be included because of the problems with customs in the different countries.

Return the shoe boxes to the church office by November 15th and they will be delivered to the drop off point for you.